Walk in the Footsteps of Abraham Lincoln on the Paris-Springfield Road
Located at Sand Creek Conservation Area
The Paris-Springfield Road was one of the earliest roads in Central Illinois. Named for the two towns it ran between (Paris, IL and Springfield, IL) the road gave settlers a way to move farm products and other goods between nearby towns and states as it connected with other roads. Locally, it ran through Macon County and helped Decatur grow before railroads were built.
The Paris-Springfield Road’s most famous traveler was Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and his extended family used the road when they made their first Illinois home in Macon County in March of 1830. Lincoln later used the road as a politician and as a lawyer on Illinois’ eighth judicial circuit when he tried cases in many towns, including Decatur.
One part of the road is now preserved and open to visitors at Sand Creek Conservation Area. Experience a piece of history by walking in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln. At the east end of the parking area look for a large informational display which tells more about this important road.
The Paris-Springfield Road is part of the Sand Creek Conservation Area.