The Benefits of Time in Nature

Growing scientific evidence confirms that spending time in nature provides physical, mental, and emotional health benefits.  Below are some of the benefits time in nature has been associated with, the articles or studies behind them, and additional resources for you to explore.

The positive effects of nature are something to keep in mind when building a healthy, balanced lifestyle, but you should see a doctor about any illnesses you may have.

Take a moment to explore the information below, then go out and enjoy nature!

Helps decrease stress and lowers the stress hormone, cortisol

Lowers pulse rate and blood pressure

Improves distance vision and lowers the chance of nearsightedness

Raises Vitamin D levels

People who exercised in natural settings, as opposed to indoors, were shown to have lower blood pressure, higher self-esteem, and improved mood

Natural areas improve our air quality, which promotes healthier lungs and people

Restores your ability to focus

Reduces ADHD symptoms

Increases creativity

Environment-based education increases test performance and critical thinking skills

Helps people feel more empathetic, strengthens bonds, and enhances social interaction


Our Need for the Outdoors

The average American child spends just 7 minutes playing outdoors each day

Americans spend 93% of their time either indoors or in an enclosed vehicle

Too much screen time can negatively effect our brain


Explore More

Children & Nature Network, online research center:

Psychology Today, Richard Louv’s blog, “People in Nature”:

National Environmental Education Foundation, “Children & Nature: Being Active in Nature Makes Kids Healthier” infographic:

American Society of Landscape Architects, benefits of nature organized into topics for adults and children:

National Wildlife Federation, Health Benefits & Tips:

WYPR Podcast, Richard Louv, “Adults and Nature Deficit Disorder”: